Ríos en clases

The idea to make primary school children aware of the importance of healthy freshwater is getting shape. The educational project “Rivers in classrooms” aims to unlock the mysteries of the underwater world and, at the same time, emphasize the vulnerability of aquatic ecosystems as the very source of life. Also it will go into the responsibilities we all have towards our rivers, why they needs guardians, and what can be done to protect them – no matter how young of age. And, what fun that can be!

After careful preparations on both sides, René Beaumont and Alfonso Soria met last week. In the inspiring setting of a sun-drenched Madrid they discussed the points of departure with the main representatives of AEMS Ríos con Vida. Also present was Carlos Rodriguez, biologist and film maker, and since long involved in educational and awareness raising projects in Spain and beyond. Together they went into the details of the program’s set-up, its planning, and the budget for the operation as a whole. Since a broad basis is a precondition for success, the next couple of months will be used to inform all stakeholders involved, varying from the local communities to administrative bodies, influentials, and public figures. In the mean time the respective organizations and businesses will be approached with requests for funding. In this respect it is worth mentioning that –even at a this premature stage- a part of the costs has already been covered by a dedicated and concerned Maecenas, coming from the fly fishing community. Bravissimo!! We trust such good example to be followed?

The roll-out has been scheduled for September and October in twenty five targeted primary schools in the province of León. The aim is to extend the sphere of activities to more provinces in Spain next year, and to “export” the format to other countries too. In Iceland and in Iran people have shown interest in this format already.


For those who consider making a donation to help us realize this project, an abstract of the project proposal is available upon request.