The dawn of a next generation network
Sunday August 24th we will kick off the “Intercontinental Trout Masterclass”. For this we have selected, through our partners and partner organizations in the respective countries, participants from many an origin, background, and education. Different as they may be, they all have at least one thing in common: a genuine concern for our heritage coming from a true passion for nature. No matter how their ambitions and aspirations vary, all have expressed their willingness to learn how to make conservation work, and to make the difference on the ground.
Our objective has always been to mobilize and connect those who have a heart for the trout, these fish being the living manifestation of our rivers, and a key part of our natural heritage – if not the very soul of it. We live in an era of unprecedented environmental challenges. Our waters, and the natural heritage they possess, have been dredged, drained, diverted, polluted, overharvested, and neglected to the point that future generations may never get to experience the joy of free flowing rivers full of life. We want to change that, aiming at the sustainable preservation of watersheds, therewith safeguarding all natural resources related, and –since we are al part of the ecosystem- do so in an economically and socially viable way.
Our Masterclass aims to introducing young enthusiasts to what conservation is really about, trying to raise them to mature future leaders, and empower them. Also this event endeavours to laying the foundation for an international, next generation civil society network capable of articulating and campaigning for freshwater conservation. We shall cover many different aspects of conservancy, for which we have assembled a cadre of senior experts from a multitude of disciplines and from different countries, continents, and cultures. Thanks to them, the Masterclass will feature a unique and eclectic mix of lectures, workshops, and introductions, which will catalyze the exchange of visions and ideas between all attendees.
During the week we shall keep you posted through our blogs… If you do not want to miss anything, you can subscribe –it’s free!- using the button on the side bar.