One can still be amazed
The Georgian Fly Fishing Club has been active on social media since their establishment in 2011. Responsible for spreading the word about the situation and the opportunities in this rather unknown part of Eurasia, is Shota Jokhadze, founder and president of the club. Last year he invited us to come over and discuss progress being and still to be made on many a level, all efforts aiming at restoring the wild, native trout populations to their former ‘grandeur’.
Early November we paid Shota c.s. a visit. Due to the early arrival of winter only the lower parts of the country were accessible, i.e. the mountain ranges on the Black Sea coast and those in the centre. In spite of the somewhat unfavorable conditions we came, we saw, and we fished. What’s more, we got a good impression of how parties involved –from the truly inspired individual to the policy makers- are committed and cooperate to safeguard the future of their swimming heritage, how they have anchored their goals in society, and fund it.
Currently a full project proposal for entire Georgia is being prepared. An abstract thereof will be available on this website within soon.
Click here for contact information and a first impression…