“Veiði og verndun!” it is
Well over a hundred and fifty people attended the round table conference we organized last week in Reykjavik’s cinema, Háskólabíó. By means of factual and compact presentations speakers from miscellaneous organizations and institutes went into a wide range topics, covering many aspects of how Iceland’s watersheds have been and are being used, and emphasized both […]
For they are worth it
“Veiði og verndun – í sátt við náttúru Íslands”, that’s what the Conference will be about: angling and conservation, in harmony with nature. It shall take place on March 26th, at Háskólabíó, 18:00. Later that evening the cinema will host the RISE Fly Fishing Film Festival, announced as one of the premier events on the […]
As green as hell
Since the International Energy Agency classified hydropower energy as clean and renewable, there has been a true gold rush on waterways for dam development. In the Balkans, western financial institutions, including the European Bank of Reconstruction and Development, already invested hundreds of millions of euro’s into building dams. Institutions like The World Bank keep on […]