Shqipëria, here we come!
At the final day of our Masterclass Olsi Nike (our participant from Albania) went into the situation in his home country and the opportunities he thought of interest to work on from a conservation perspective. Hardly familiar with Albania at all, he quite surprised and impressed the audience with his presentation. Olsi showed breathtaking alpine […]
Let’s talk, now!
Few who ever fished in Iceland would believe that its swimming heritage is in extreme danger. We made mention before of the huge, world famous Lake Thingvellir trout being brought close to extinction. Sadly enough, many a trout population all over the island faces such a nightmare scenario. One of the main causes is even […]
More homework
On October 22nd the European Parliament and the Council of the European Union have adopted a new regulation on the prevention and management of the introduction and spread of invasive alien species. It shall enter into force on January 2015. This new legislation seeks to address the problem of invasive alien species in a comprehensive […]